Food Donation Policy
In-person, drop off donations:
Non-Perishable Donations
The Van Buren Center will accept donations of non-perishable food products (dry & canned goods) in their original packaging; sealed, labeled, and undamaged.
Perishable Donations
The Van Buren Center will accept donations of baked goods and cold-stored fresh foods 3 days preceding expiration. Lightly bruised produce is acceptable. Donor must certify that food products have been kept at appropriate temperature storage; refrigerated or frozen.
Previously Prepared/Cooked Donations
The Van Buren Center will accept donations of food prepared in commercial or licensed food establishments only. This included donations of hot, ready-to-eat food. Donor must certify that food products have been kept at appropriate temperatures and not previously served (i.e. buffet service). Food prepared in private homes will not be accepted at this time.
No visibly spoiled or rotten food will be accepted into this facility. We will not accept or serve items that we would not serve to our families.
All food donations must be documented at the time of donation using the Food Donation Form.
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